Michael Bailey

COP10 : Convention on Biological Diversity
The Climate Summit : Operations
Greenpeace : Co-Founder : Organizing Committee
THE CAUSE : Consulting Producer / Environmental Expert

Michael Bailey- Biodiversity Leader,  Educator, Television Producer, Planetviews Productions -
From serving as an 'original member' of Greenpeace, guiding that organization's growth from a handful of individuals in the mid-1970's, to serving as an on-the ground coordinator for various NGO actions at the upcoming United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity COP10 in Nagoya, Michael Bailey is familiar with Biodiversity issues.

Personally trained by the Honorable Al Gore as a Climate Project presenter, Michael’s  recent on-camera hosting of, featuring Cisco TelePresence technology, is rallying climate scientists and activists globally.

In support of the successful bid for this year’s ‘Best Documentary’ Oscar award, Michael coordinated ‘The Cove’ movie’s public premiere at the Tokyo International Film Festival, gaining extensive coverage on CNN, Al Jazeera television, the New York Times and other media outlets. He continues to focus public attention on the tragic consequences of  feeding mercury-polluted dolphin flesh to children, pregnant women and other unsuspecting consumers.

Protecting baby harp seals in Canada, working with Alaska's indigenous peoples  to save the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and trekking Kuwait burning oil fields during the Gulf  War are part of his resume’.  The August 1991 National Geographic Magazine features images of Michael Bailey in those landmine-strewn 'hellfires' .

Empowered by the insightful support of media mogul Ted Turner, Michael spearheaded the successful campaign that resulted in the U.N. General Assembly unanimously adopting Resolution 46/215, on December 20, 1991. Effectively banning a fleet of some 1000 driftnet ships, the annual mass slaughter of  some one million dolphins, and even greater numbers of seabirds, was stopped.

References:  Wikipedia,,;